Ingolstadt - Germany

MKKD Museum für Konkrete Kunst

Historical factory building transformed into a museum

Scientific Planning Support on Building Physics

A historical factory building is to be transformed into a Museum

For this complex project, where the existing construction is to be adapted for the new building and where the museum requires special indoor conditions, our teams’ focus was the building physics. We supported the architecture team by analyzing and supervising the construction details. Due to the complexity of the project, thermal bridge simulations were used to make sure that no damage through humidity or condensation would occur on the buildings envelope. 

Additionally a thermal building simulation was carried on to prove that the requirements for protection against summer overheating (DIN 4108-2) were met. 

Realisation 2022, 4.500 m²

Architect: querkraft

Building physics: 2&3D moisture and temperature simulation

Themal simulation for DIN 4108-2

Project brief


Support the architects on questions about building physics


Scientific planning support during the planning phase:

•  thermal bridges simulation for the analysis of condensation and humidity in building construction elements

•  dynamic thermal simulation of the building for the analysis of overheating in summer

Our Role

As part of Ingenieurbüro P. Jung:

Supervising the construction details, analyzing the critical thermal bridges and finding solutions together with the architects

Dynamic thermal simulation of the building and reporting on the requirements of DIN 4108-2

Project Partners

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